Everyday Advocate
#EverydayAdvocates are people just like you whose small actions have the potential to change culture. They listen and connect with survivors. They speak out when they see something wrong, and they take action to help support survivors and educate themselves and others.
Every time you tell a survivor you believe them, each time you tell someone a sexist joke isn’t funny or ok, and every hour you volunteer, you are helping to redefine norms. Together, we will create a culture where domestic and sexual violence is not tolerated.
As an #EverydayAdvocate, here are some ways you can help.
- Believe survivors.
- Each October, recognize Domestic Violence Awareness Month , and each April, recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month, by participating in our events and spreading the word to others so they can participate as well.
- Educate yourself on how you can support someone experiencing domestic or intimate partner violence.
- Learn about volunteer opportunities with the Center.
- Follow us on social media @thecenteronline and share our messages that inspire you.
- Print one of our service flyers to hang at your workplace, school, place of worship, or elsewhere.
- Carry one of our purple info cards in your wallet or purse.
- Make a gift to the Center to ensure our services remain 100% FREE for those experiencing domestic violence or sexual assault.