Give Week

Please help keep our services Fee by supporting Give Week April 21-27. Learn how to host a peer-to-peer fundraiser, make a donation, or amplify our educational efforts by checking out...

Denim Day

Wear Jeans to denounce victim blaming on Denim Day. Watch our president and CEO, Elizabeth Martin, and the Derby Royal Princesses live on WHAS 11 (Great Day Live) and WAVE...

Denim Day Dinner

Order and enjoy dinner and outdoor activities at Noble Funk Brewery while supporting our work. A portion of proceeds will be donated to The Center.

Join Us for Breakfast of Brilliance

Please join us for Breakfast of Brilliance at The Foundry! This delicious breakfast will benefit The Center's programs and services. Tickets and sponsorships are available for purchase. Individual tickets are...

Therapist and PRN Advocate Job Fair

Want to use your skills and abilities to help survivors of intimate partner violence and sexual assault heal and rebuild their lives? If yes, then please join us Saturday, September...

Chalk The Walk at Jefferson Square Park

Join us as we write encouraging messages of support for survivors of domestic violence on sidewalks and outdoor spaces at Jefferson Square Park in downtown Louisville. The Center will provide...

Center for Women and Families' funders.